
A shadow falls across the strings - a dark melody tears me apart
as yesterday's chords' echo painfully rings
through the instrument of my heart.


Blinded by the gray covering my sky blue - 
I sink deeper as it tries to drown the song of light
in my heart so new.


Once a flame, now an ember - a spark, fading to blue.
Desperately I try to remember the song of light
in my heart so new...


Come alive in the song of light
Play it today and tomorrow
Play it all through the night
and it will make a friend of sorrow.


And now, this opening heart cannot start without you.
All within me longs to hear you
singing kindness, and to see the day


Come alive in the song of light
Play it today and tomorrow
Play it all through the night
and it will make a friend of sorrow.


A bird's song shines through the window 
with the day about to start,
as the song of light's echo joyfully rings
through the instrument of my heart.



©2001 KJL, inspired by a poem by Glen Gowing

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